COVID-19 outbreak has been affecting the lives of people around the world, and Nepal is no exception. With the identification of 2nd positive case of COVID-19, Nepal government enforced the nationwide lockdown on 24th March 2020, which continued almost three months. Though COVID-19 cases are increasing, on 11th June 2020 the government decided to ease the lockdown in three phases with some restrictions and guidelines after the widespread criticism regarding prolonged nationwide lockdown. With the easing of the lockdown, people started getting back to their daily activities. People are learning to live life with COVID-19 following safety measures and guideline provided by government Nepal. So far Nepal has reported 38 deaths, 16,801 infections and 8,589 recovered (source: Ministry of Health and Population, 12th July 2020).
When every sector of country has been affected, poor and marginalized are affected more severely. Lockdown has deprived the livelihoods of poor and marginalized including daily wage earners. They were in fear of hunger more than a virus. Many temporary migrant workers who ran out of money, were forced to head to their hometown on foot. Many people working in India were stuck on Nepal- India border.
In this crisis of COVID-19 outbreak, the social initiative of Pokhara Chrisitan Community, Asal Chhimekee Nepal (ACN) stands with the needy and most vulnerable people and communities in order to help them sustain in this crisis. From the 11th day of lockdown, we have started to reach out the doorsteps of people in need with relief packages in coordination with the local governments. Our relief package consists of essential food supplies (rice, lentil, oil, salt etc. and hand washing soap etc.)
We carried out our COVID-19 relief work in our regular working areas Kaski, Nawalparasi and Gorkha district.
Kaski district

We were able to provide the recommended relief package of Pokhara Metropolitan Office to 703 needy families including 273 people with disability in Pokhara, Kaski district in coordination with the local government. Our relief package of Kaski consist of essential food supplies that would last a month for the family of four-member. We contributed financially to the Pokhara Metropolitan COVID-19 Relief fund by handing a cheque of NPR 25,000. In addition, we also distributed informative pamphlets and posters of COVID-19.
Nawalparasi district

In Nawalparasi we provided relief packages of essential food supplies as per the recommendation of local governments to 1,340 needy families in coordination with the local government in two phases. We provided 100 sets of Virus Transport Medium (VTM) kit to Kawasoti municipality. In addition we also distributed informative posters and pamphlets of COVID-19.
I Phase
180 needy families received relief packages in Kawasoti Municipality, East Nawalparasi. Our relief packages consist of 15 kg of rice, 2 kg of lentil, 1 kg of salt, 500 ml oil and one piece of Dettol soap.
155 needy families received relief packages in Madhyabindu Municipality, East Nawalparasi. Our relief packages consist of 20 kg of rice, 3 kg of lentil, 1 kg of salt, 2 ltr oil, and 3 pieces of Dettol soap.
400 needy families received relief packages in Palhinandan Rural Municipality, West Nawalparasi. Our relief packages consist of 10 kg of rice, 1 kg of lentil, 1 kg of salt, 1 kg of sugar, and 1 ltr of oil.
II phase
We were able to provide relief packages to 605 needy families in Nawalparasi in 2nd phase in coordination with the local government. 103 needy families in Kawasoti Municiapltiy, 102 needy families in Madhyabindu Municipality, and 400 needy families in Palhinandan Rural Municipality. Our relief packages consist of 20 kg of rice, 2 kg of lentil, 1 kg of salt, 1 kg of sugar, 1 ltr oil, and 1 piece of hand washing soap.
Gorkha district

We were able to provide 2000 face mask and 2000 pair of disposable gloves to Siranchowk Municipality, Gorkha district as per the request received, though we faced difficulties to deliver the supplies due to lockdown. The objective of sending these items was to support Siranchowk Muncipality to carry out immunization services regularly. We provided informative poster and pamphlets of COVID-19 to the municipality. In addition, we also provided essential food supplies to 6 families with disabilities who spent their life on street in Gorkha.
So far we have reached out to the 2,049 most vulnerable families with the relief packages for their support to basic needs in this lockdown.
We would like to thank our funding partners and government authorities for their support in this crisis. We will continue to help people in need by your support and prayer.