COVID-19 outbreak has affected the lives of people around the world and Nepal is no exception. To contain the spread of COVID-19, Nepal government imposed a week-long nationwide lockdown on 24th March 2020 after identifying the 2nd positive case of COVID-19. Due to increasing cases of COVID-19, lockdown has been further extended. It has been a month of lock down and 57 cases of COVID-19 has identified in which 16 are recovered (Source: MoHP 30 April 2020).
This Coronavirus lockdown has adverse effect mainly on the poor, daily wage earners and other vulnerable people in Nepal. Due to sudden and continued lockdown, daily wage earners have no way to earn money for the living. Many temporary migrant workers who have run out of money, are forced to head to their hometown on foot. Many people are stuck on Nepal – India border.
In this crisis of COVID-19 outbreak, the Social Initiative of Pokhara Christian Community, Asal Chhimekee Nepal (ACN) with the needy and vulnerable people and communities in order to sustain them in this crisis. On the 11th day of continuing lockdown, we have started to reach the doorsteps of people in need with relief package in coordination with the local governments. Our relief package consists of food supplies (rice, lentil, oil, salt, spices, etc. other food items and hand washing soap) that lasts for a month for a family of four.
We are able to provide the food relief packages to 607 household including 176 people with disability in Pokhara. We also contributed financially to the Pokhara Metropolitan COVID-19 Relief fund by handed a cheque of NPR 25,000. In addition, we also distributed informative pamphlets and posters of COVID-19. We came to know that 40,000 people are registered for the relief supplies in Pokhara only. We are trying to meet the need as much as we can. The distribution team has taken high safety measures during the delivery of the food materials to the communities, and also given counseling to the families.
We would like to thank our funding partners for their generous support whose donation helping us to reach out to the people in their need in this crisis. We would thank our prayer partners & supporters, government authorities (Social Welfare Council (SWC), local government and communities for their supports and coordination.
Together we can make a difference in the lives of people.

During cheque handover to the COVID-19 Relief fund of Pokhara Metropolitan office.