the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, July monsoon caused landslide and flood in many parts of the country. Among many affected places, Dhaulagiri Rural Municipality of Myagdi district was one of the worst affected place. Due to the landslide, many families lost their homes, livestock and all their cropland were washed away. In this situation, Myagdi Rural Municipality requested ACN to support the worst affected families in this difficult time.
On this early November 2020, ACN reached the affected area with food relief packages for 85 poor and marginalized and people with disability families in coordination with the local government authorities. However, this food distribution program was delayed by one and a half months due to COVID-19 and road blockages by the continuous rainfall. The distribution of the packages was done with carefully following safety measures of COVID-19.
Each family received 25 kg of rice, 3 kg of lentil (big grain), 1 kg of salt, 1 liter of oil, 2 kg of peas and 2 hand washing and 2 laundry soap and 4
toothbrush and a tooth paste. All the beneficiaries were thankful for the generous support in this pandemic situation.
The Ward Chairman (local government authority) Mr. Kalanidhi Sharma thanked ACN for providing food relief packages to the landslide affected families in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic.
With this, we have been able to reach out to 544 landslide and flood affected families with essential food supplies in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic.
Thank you everyone for making this possible with us.