Literacy is the ability to read, write, speak and listen in a way that let’s us communicate effectively and make sense of the world. From the beginning, Nepal’s literacy rate is very low. According to publications of UNESCO, the adult literacy rate is 67.91%. While the male literacy rate is 78.59%, for female is 59.72%, showing a big gap between the genders. In comparison with other countries, Nepal is 131st in the ranking of literacy rate. Therefore, ACN decided to give adult literacy classes for the female to provide a second chance for those who are marginalized in society or who have lost access to education due to other reasons in order to achieve social justice and equal access to education.
Few months before, ACN has conducted 4 months adult literacy classes in Sarawal, Nawalparasi, where 9 classes were running in ward no. 1 and 3. The class has been successfully completed with encouraging participation of 180 students and 9 facilitators. The graduation program took place on 6th April 2022. The participants shared their experience; they have been able to read and write and also overcome their fear and have become confident. Also all the participants thanked Asal Chhimekee Nepal for the opportunity.