Sarita Lama, 32 years old from Kavre. She has one son and daughter. She was a drug and alcohol user. Her life was full of tragedy and struggle. But she continue to struggle and fight for herself and for kids. Finally, succeed to overcome her addiction. She would like to share her life story.
My mother left me when I was 1 year old and my father and grandmother passed away. I left alone. Due to community pressure, my uncle agree to let me stay with his house. But I had to work for them, I used to bring grass and wood from the jungle. While I was growing up, slowly my uncle started to treat me well. I was happy as I thought that my uncle loved me but soon I realized that my uncle trying to sexually abuse me. Then I left uncle house. I was 12 when I started to live in the street with my friends. I used to collect garbage on the street for food. Slowly I learned to use dendrite glue and smoking. At the age of 14, I was involved in prostitution, from that time I learned to use drug. As days were passing.
I married a man whom I used to live in street. I gave birth to two kids, one son and daughter while living on street. I got more into addiction. Even I try to kill myself and my son. After birth of my daughter I tried to stop using drug but I could not. I did not get any support from husband and later he died because of HIV. I got scared that I might have HIV infected and got tested and I was not. That was so relieving.

When I was living at the street many organization came to help me but I always ignore them. It was then when I lost my husband, again few women came to visit me and encouraged me to get admitted at Rehab center. I was admitted by them in the Rehab center at Kathmandu and kept my children in children home. After few months I was discharged form Rehab center, I relapsed again in addiction and then attained 2 different Rehab centers. After getting discharged from Karuna Nepal, women empowerment organization provide me employment opportunity. Then I started to work and I was far away from addiction. I got a job in a company and I was doing well. Again I found someone to marry me and I marry him with a hope to have a better life. I never knew that struggle of my life would not end there, my husband started drinking alcohol and physically abusing me. After that, I could not control myself and started drinking alcohol and neglecting the job that I had.
I was so deep in drinking that the organization I was working at sent me to ACN’s Nawajeewan Treatment and Rehabilitation center for treatment on alcoholism. I was admitted on 19th January 2018 and got discharged in July 2018 after overcoming my addiction.
Before Nawajeewan Rehabilitation center, I had stayed 7 times in different Rehab centers but Nawajeewan was different. In Nawajeewan, I found a very lovely and caring environment, people are very kind and helpful to me. I felt like I found a family. I used to get lots of punishment in other rehab centers and torture which I could not express. But in Nawajeewan, I able to express myself, learned to love, respect and control my anger. I learned to read and write and household skills. I also understand the value of work.
Today I am confident and never going to look back again. It’s been 15th months since I left alcohol. I am working and study in grade 4. I neglected my children in the past but not any more. I am going to take care of them properly. I want to give them a nice environment to grow. I want to be a role model for my children.
I would like to thank Purna Enterprise for sending me to Nawajeewan and Asal Chhimekee Nepal for providing me treatment opportunity and help me to overcome my addiction and help me to understand my value of life.