On 16th April 2019, ACN handed over two rural clinics to the local government of Siranchowk rural municipality, Gorkha. Two-roomed newly constructed Simle Rural Clinic and Jarebar Rural Clinic has been jointly inaugurated by Ward Chair. Mr. Raju Gurung and ACN Chair. Mr. Bharat Bahadur Gurung in the presence of other government officials, ACN board members, and community people. This two rural clinics are set to serve 700 households of Siranchowk rural municpality, Gorkha District.
On 1st July 2019, a newly constructed six-roomed Ghalang urban clinic building was inaugurated by the chief guest, Minister of Physical infrastructure development of Gandaki province, honorable Ramsaran Basnet and was handed over to Gorkha rural municipality, Gorkha. This urban clinic is set to serve 600 household of Gorkha rural municipality.
In addition earthquake resistant, gender and disable-friendly CGI roofed building, ACN also provided necessary furniture and medicine.
Provision of basic health services, especially preventive and promotive services has found very limited in Rural Nepal. Therefore to increase access in basic primary health service closer to the community, Primary Health Care Rural Clinic service was initiated and established in 1994. Rural Clinic is the extensive service sites of primary health care center (PHCCs), health post (HPs), and sub-health post (SHPs) up to community level. However, health posts are the first institution contact point for the basic primary health services in rural remote villages in Nepal. The aim of the urban and rural clinic is to improve access to some basic health services including family planning, safe motherhood, general treatment, child health, first-aid and health education, and counseling. Based on the local needs Rural Clinics are conducted every month at a fixed location on specific dates and time. So once in a month, rural local health personnel conduct these clinics with FCHVs and provide basic primary health service, health education, and counseling.
These three clinics operated its service form different places (i.e. under the tree, individual house, and community shed) as they had no building for clinics. Nepal earthquake of 2015 caused extensive damage to many public buildings and still, health posts of rural villages are struggling to resume their full health service. In this context, to bring primary basic health services including family planning, safe motherhood and child health closer to rural households, ACN constructed an urban clinic and two rural clinics building and handed over in Gorkha district.
We would like to thank our funding partner INF- UK and Rope-UK, DAI-USA, CMML-USA and individual donors for the financial support in the construction of Simle rural clinic, Jarebar rural clinic and Ghalang urban clinic. In addition, we would like to thank Siranchowk rural municipality for its funding support and coordination, Gorkha rural municipality and land donor of Clinics