In Pokhara Metropolitan City of Kaski, Kushma Municipality of Parbat, and Hupsekot Rural Municipality of East Nawalparasi, ACN has successfully completed a project that aimed to develop the skills and capacity of young individuals. A total of 155 participants were trained in plumbing, basic house wiring, commercial cooking, and mobile device repair. The training also included proposal writing and entrepreneurship development, and basic material provided after CTEVT examination registration was done by the organization. The project was supported by INF UK and coordinated with the local government. ACN provided business seed money to 15 individuals who started new businesses after the training. Monthly discussion meetings, monitoring, and mentoring were also offered to all participants who completed the training. An impact assessment conducted at the end of the one-year project showed that 68% of the participants are now employed or have their own businesses, with 58% of the participants experiencing economic growth of more than 31%. Investing in youth is crucial for building a better future, and ACN is proud to have made a positive impact in these communities.
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